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¿Cuánto tiempo tardará mi LEDS BOW en llegar?

Tu pedido tardará de 1 a 3 días hábiles en procesarse antes de ser enviado, independientemente de la opción de envío seleccionada. Una vez procesado, te enviaremos la guía de paquetería para que puedas rastrear el envío.

¡Trabajaremos muy duro para que te llegue lo más rápido posible! ✨

How do I change the battery?

The battery can only be replaced by LEDS BOW technicians. If you present evidence of technical manipulation of the product, you will automatically lose your warranty.

Is there a guarantee?

Each product has a 6-month warranty by presenting the voucher purchased when purchasing the product.

How do I change the bristles on the bow?

Carefully remove the LEDS BOW battery box, avoiding pulling too much on the power transfer cable located on the side of the bow. This will allow the luthier to more easily maneuver and perform bristle replacement.

NOTE: Although it is possible to reuse the double-sided tape that attaches the LEDS BOW battery box to the bow, we include two spare parts in your purchase. If necessary, the user can remove the old tape and place the two new tapes together for greater support.

How long does it take to charge the battery?

The LEDS BOW battery fully charges in 90 minutes once connected to a 2 amp power source with a type "C" cable.

How long does the battery last on?

The battery can last up to one hour and 15 minutes of continuous use.

Can I use any type "C" cable to charge the battery?

Yes, any type "C" cable compatible with a 2 amp power source can be used to charge the battery.

Is the LEDS BOW safe to use during a live performance?

Absolutely. The LEDS BOW is designed to be used in live performances, providing a spectacular visual experience without compromising the functionality of the instrument.

What should I do if my LEDS BOW does not turn on?

First, verify that the battery is charged and properly connected. If the problem persists, please contact our technical service for assistance.

What do I do if I need technical assistance?

If you need technical assistance, you can contact our support team via email ####@ledsbow.com or call customer service number.

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